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A Message from Judy Hellen

Bridge has truly been a wonderful addition to my life since retiring. Initially, I considered leaving Greensboro to be closer to family and sought a hobby that would help me connect with new people. Little did I know that I would remain here and find that sense of community through bridge.


Our duplicate bridge games in Greensboro are far from stuffy; we have a vibrant and welcoming community. With seven or eight competitive games each week, one or two practice events, and more instructor-led classes than ever, there are numerous opportunities to play and learn.


One of bridge's greatest appeals is the continuous learning it offers. However, it can also be challenging for beginners to learn. Everyone has their own learning style, and with the abundance of online resources, videos, and interactive tools available today, it can be overwhelming to navigate.


I've been hesitant to expand the content on this website, but that changes this year. My focus is on supporting developing bridge players by directing you to local and other learning opportunities, highlighting places to play, and sharing insights from other bridge authors.

Current Class Offerings

Enroll Now!

Introduction to Slam with Judy Hellen - March 26 - April 23

Evening Introduction to Bridge with Rich Peffer - April 3 - 

In Progress

Stayman & Jacoby Transfers with Andy Symmes - Class full


Supervised Play with Cecelia Ray on Fridays

For more information or to reserve a space, contact Judy Hellen at or text/call 336.558.3613.

Introduction to Slam Bidding

Ready to take your bidding to the slam level? If you're familiar with Blackwood but want to expand your slam bidding skills, this class is designed for you. You'll learn the judgment and techniques needed to confidently explore and bid good slams, while also avoiding the pitfalls of bad ones.


The class will be taught by Judy Hellen, a certified ACBL Best Practices teacher, and will consist of five sessions. It's an ideal pre-requisite for 2-over-1. To enroll, students should have approximately 20 masterpoints or around a year of competitive play experience, subject to the instructor's discretion.

Dates: Wednesday mornings, 9:00 am - noon. March 26, April 2, 9, 16, and 23.

Location: Fellowship Presbyterian Church, 2005 New Garden Rd, Greensboro

Cost: $125 for all five sessions or $30 for any single session

To register, contact the instructor at or call/text 336-558-3613.

Evening Beginner Bridge Lessons

​Bridge Basics 1: An Introduction is scheduled for evening classes starting April 3 with Rich Peffer as instructor. This course is the place to learn about modern bidding and the basics of play of the hand as well as defense. It is designed for those who are new to bridge, those who want to re-enter the game (remember college) or those who would like a structured review to get your game on track. For more detailed information click here.


Dates for classes: April 3, 10, 24, and May 1. Thursday evenings from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm.

Location: Fellowship Presbyterian Church, 2005 New Garden Rd, Greensboro.

Cost: $100 for all four sessions

Registration: Contact Rich Peffer at or 336-402-5367


An accompanying book is recommended and can be purchased at a discount at the first session.​​

Special Evening Games for Beginner Players 

Rich Peffer will be hosting two evening games in April and May at Fellowship Presbyterian Church. The start time is 6:30 pm​​​


On Wednesday, April 16, there will be a Rubber Bridge Game for Beginners. This game will give the students from the Beginning Bridge class a chance to apply what they have learned so far. Other players are invited to join. 


On Thursday, May 8, there will be a Pupil Game. This is a special introduction to duplicate where you even have a chance to win your first ACBL masterpoints. Anyone interested in finding out what a duplicate game is all about is invited to join.


Each of these games are free of charge! Please contact Rich if you are interested in playing but don't hestitate to show up at the last minute.

Stayman Convention and Jacoby Transfers

The Stayman Convention and Jacoby Transfers are the first conventions every bridge player needs to learn. Each is used after a notrump open (or overcall) to look for a fit in a major suit. With an 8-card fit in a major, the major suit game is a much safer and more desirable contract than 3NT.


March 11, Session 1. The Stayman Convention. looking for a fit with your 4-card major.

March 18, Session 2. Jacoby transfers, looking for a fit with your 5-card major.


You will learn and practice how to initiate each convention and how to continue the bidding. There is work for both the responder and the opener.


Dates: Tuesday, March 11 and 18

Time: 9:30 am - 11:45 am

Location: Fellowship Presbyterian Church, 2005 New Garden Road, Greensboro (Library)

Instructor: Andy Symmes, ACBL Life Master

To register contact: Andy at or 336-553-8485 

Cost: $50 for both classes

Supervised Play and Learn

Cecelia Ray is offering Supervised Play and Learn on Fridays. Bring your bridge buddies or come alone to meet up with other players.


Here's what to expect. You will bid and play prepared hands. After each hand we will discuss the likely bidding, the lead and the play. One or more experienced players will be there to assist you. 


Dates: Fridays, on-going

Time: 9:30 am - 11:30 am

Location: Fellowship Presbyterian Church,

2005 New Garden Rd, Greensboro

Cost: $10 each session


Although reservations are not required, for planning purposes please notify Cecelia in advance at or text/call 336.601.5058.

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